What are your fees?

The fee for an initial 60 minute psychological evaluation is $350. The fee for 45 minutes individual therapy sessions is $250. Ms. Bahl and Ms. Wiscovitch offer reduced fee clinical services (under the supervision of Dr. Gunnia).

Do you Accept insurance?

I am an out-of-network provider for all insurance companies. Most plans will provide a significant percentage reimbursement for out-of-network mental health services. I am happy to provide guidance to navigate this process and will provide all necessary documentation.

What Can I expect from the first session?

I will be asking you questions about what has led you to seek treatment at this time as well as general mental health assessment questions. I will leave time at the end of the session to answer any questions you may have.

If I decide to pursue therapy with you, how often will we meet? HOw long do most people stay in therapy?

I tend to recommend meeting once weekly at the start of treatment. Over time, some clients prefer to meet less frequently (e.g. every other week). Length of treatment varies greatly depending on what goals an individual has and this can be discussed early in the process.

FOr any other questions, Please reach out!